Well the Moss Review couldnt have been more thorough.....it said pretty much everything we knew....that the regulator and regulation have been shambolic and animal welfare the big loser. The Review recommended appointment of an Independent Inspector General (as did the Productivity Commission before it)...and the Minister David Littleproud says he will see it through.
So...VALE acknowledges the significant dedication and diligence of Mr Moss and his team...and David Littleproud for his unwavering committment thus far. However, its important to note that throughout this process animals have continued to suffer on ships and at end destinations. The Moss Review, as the Keniry Review (2004) did before it emphasises the inherent and significant risks for animal suffering in this trade: "By its nature, live animal exports present a high risk to animal health and welfare" (Moss 2018).
It's business as usual for DAWR:
DAWR has always been in bed with the exporters and nothing has changed there. It's time for an INDEPENDENT OFFICE OF ANIMAL WELFARE. RETWA with Graham Daws as director had its licence suspended in 2003....but trading continued as per usual under Emanuels license. Now Emanuels licence suspended...and it is all fine to continue business per usual under RETWA. How astoundingly convenient.
So.....we continue to send Australian sheep on the same old vessels....consistent throughout...the Al Messilah and the double-tiered Al Shuwaikh...and we do it with space allowances that are lower than recommended by ANY veterinary organisation in the country....because what would vets know about livestock compared to our amazingly talented Department of Agriculture.... Oh yeah and when is the Moss Review going to be released to the public? And, just when did the Dept of Ag remove the all the documents released under FOI from its Disclosure Log...yep available now only on request....through this highly transparent Department. So they have disappeared them, just like the old voyage reports.....well VALE havent disappeared our copies....so check the High Mortality Voyages section of our website. Beef Central today reports that Phoenix has had its ability to export to China suspended on the basis of 2 shipments with grain fed Bos taurus cattle having mortalities exceeding 1%. The journeys were in May (from Freo) and July (from Portland....ie Bos taurus from a cold southern mid-winter climate). Oh yeah and they were over 600kg. Contributor to both high mortality voyages (1.45 and 1.5% respectively)....heat stress.
Well....what a surprise!! Every bit of science we have about heat stress thresholds in Bos taurus cattle indicates that they have the potential for heat stress crossing the Equator...fatten them up, ensure they are over 600kg...and then send them from Portland....mid winter....after a voyage from Freo in May has already failed??? The Dept is currently asking for submissions on Heat Stress Risk Assessment in sheep to the Middle East.....perhaps they should do the obvious thing and reassess their totally flawed HSRA for cattle (to any location) also. Just in case anyone though that the public had forgotten about live export, they haven’t. A record number of people turned up yesterday to the Human Chain on Fremantle Bridge to protest live exports. The head count was performed by a quietly spoken, older farmer …..probably used to counting sheep! He was protesting! 1470 people!
VALE was well represented with vets, vet nurses and vet students all present. Spokesperson, Sue Foster was there as she is every year. |
February 2025
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