Cem Özdemir, Germany’s Agriculture Minister has today announced an end to the export of animals – whether for slaughter or breeding – from Germany to the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia. 'We can no longer watch animals suffer and die in agony on long journeys." said Minister Cem Özdemirc
While exporting animals to be killed for their meat has already stopped, animals used for breeding were still being exported. Today's news closes that final loophole and will spare many thousands of cows, sheep, and goats from suffering in the live export trade. There is also an intention to address the loophole that would see German animals transported from other EU countries. Germany is the first EU country to make this bold move for animals. Congratulations GERMANY. See: https://www.algoafm.co.za/entertainment/live-export-historic-win-for-animals-in-germany
Since the Awassi Express expose, the animal welfare community have been largely focused on sheep export. The Dept of Ag has had endless reviews requiring submissions, and has obfuscated and obstructed numerous enquiries. The uphsot has been deflected attention from the ongoing issues in the live export cattle.
In 2020, VALE published a report on the Cattle Voyages to China (Hing et al 2021) and tried to chase up information under Freedom of Information on Independent Observer Report 197. This tied VALE up for months (no doubt intentional) and VALE missed some of the high mortality investigations reports for the northern cattle trade. It is most notable, that the ever so transparent Department of Agriculture, who refute any sanitisation or lack of transparency, now refers to high mortality voyages as "notifiable incidents" - what a marvellous PR-directed euphemism. VALE's updated analysis for HIGH MORTALITY VOYAGES is now up. VALE has not been able to update the IO Report section of its website because none of the 2022 IO Summaries have been published and there is no information as to how many are pending.... |
January 2025
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