Monty Ndjavera, Director of Tradeport Namibia, has halted his live export plans after strong opposition locally and internationally.
He had planned to ship animals from South Africa and Botswana by road to local seaports for export by ship to Kuwait, but he said his logistics company Tradeport does not want to be involved in a business that will attract widespread outrage. He said he is a proud Namibian and wants to ensure his company’s reputation remains intact. Congratulations to Mr Ndjavera for listening and for having the flexibility and foresight to consider abandoning the idea and for being optimistic and creative enough to be ready to startup something else instead. Australian expert Dr Lynn Simpson is quoted in the article saying that countries should slaughter and process the meat domestically and then export it. This will ensure jobs and by-products are kept local and benefit the local economy, instead of sending animals “to a stressfully cruel voyage followed by un-stunned, fully conscious ritual slaughter by knife.”
12/9/2020 07:41:36 pm
Buenos dìas: Expreso mi profunda solidaridad y apoyo con la causa que están llevando adelante, en defensa del bienestar de los animales. Esta es mi primera vez que se de Ustedes y me pongo a sus enteras ordenes para el intercambio de ideas y experiencias, Soy venezolano, resido en Caracas y me dedido a la Educaciòn Universitaria en la especialidad de los Transporte de Mercancìas y Seguros.
17/9/2020 08:05:22 am
GOOGLE TRANSLATION OF THE COMMENT Good morning: I express my deep solidarity and support with the cause that you are carrying out, in defense of the welfare of animals. This is my first time that I know of you and I put myself at your entire orders for the exchange of ideas and experiences, I am Venezuelan, I live in Caracas and I dedicate myself to University Education in the specialty of Freight Transportation and Insurance.
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